I got connected with Alejandra Linares when I spent time in Miami this year. Her tenacity and perseverance is inspiring. I love to see artists who are caring for their gifts and the creativity that gives them joy! Her linework is energetic and her recent color explorations on her instagram are beautiful and mysterious. Here is my interview with Alejandra!
Interview with Alejandra Linares, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Painter:
What do you do or make?
Alejandra Linares (AL): I do a variety of things, I’m a graphic designer, a painter and an illustrator.
How do you define success for yourself?
AL: When you can wake up every day and do what you love. As I grow older I realize that doing so it’s not something that happens to everybody, so I’m really grateful I can do this for a living.
Artwork by Alejandra Linares.
What are two ways you characterize yourself that might seem contradictory? How do these make you who you are?
AL: Definitely, organized chaos. I purposely create some chaos in my artwork to challenge myself to see another way to approach my art and “re-organize” it. I feel if everything is too perfect and there are no room for mistakes, then there won’t be any room for learning something new.
What are three influences from your childhood on what you find beautiful today?
- Growing up in Venezuela. In my country I’ve met the most amazing artist that inspire me to be better every day.
- My mom - she is an art teacher and was the first to teach me about art and her perception on it.
- Music - My whole life I’ve been surrounded by people that either love music or they are musicians themselves. Before I paint or start working on a project in my computer I always find a song that inspires me (and if I’m honest I play it on repeat until I’m done).
Artwork by Alejandra Linares.
How do you keep joy in what you do?
AL: Simply by changing things around. I change my style of designing/painting quite often. When I’m doing digital projects (like my freshii illustrations or my don limon illustration) I tend to have a different approach from what I do when I’m painting on canvas. I guess is because each medium makes you feel different and therefore what you create is different.
Imaginary Lines III. Original hand drawing on Canson Watercolor Paper by Alejandra Linares. 16 in. x 20 in.
What is some of the best advice you received?
AL: To be successful, you must never give up.
Find out more about Alejandra on her sites:
Alejandra's portfolio and shop at alejandralinares.com
Dimensional Creatives is a series of interviews with a selection of the creatives who bring me perspective, inspire, and motivate me.
Every person has aspects of their work, personality, or interests that seem contradictory, but the way these traits coexist in the same human makes them multi-faceted and unique! Sharing these lets us all be a little more ourselves, which makes the world magical. Read more Dimensional Creatives Interviews here >
Follow me on instagram to know when I publish new interviews! - Laura