Amos Ang is a friend from my NYC days. His makes people seen and heard, not only in his professional collaborations with other musicians, but also to the simple way he treats people on a day-to-day basis. I highly recommend you check out his music on Soundcloud!
Amos Ang, Keyboardist, Pianist and Music Producer.
Amos Ang, Keyboardist.
What do you do or make?
Amos Ang: Keyboardist/Pianist and Music Producer.
How do you define success for yourself?
AA: Doing my best at whatever opportunity that comes my way.
What are two ways you characterize yourself that might seem contradictory? How do these make you who you are?
AA: Perfectionist / Chillax. They make me contradictory at times... lol
Amos Ang on 987FM with Tabitha Nauser
What are three influences from your childhood on what you find beautiful today?
- Music
- Sports (team sports)
- Friendship
How do you keep joy in what you do?
AA: Constantly surround yourself things that you enjoy. For me it's good art and being around people (mostly an extroverted person).
What is some of the best advice you received?
AA: To be honest.
Amos Ang's Websites/ Social Media:
Dimensional Creatives is a series of interviews with a selection of the creatives who bring me perspective, inspire, and motivate me.
Every person has aspects of their work, personality, or interests that seem contradictory, but the way these traits coexist in the same human makes them multi-faceted and unique! Sharing these lets us all be a little more ourselves, which makes the world magical. Read more Dimensional Creatives Interviews here >
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- Laura